from Cradle
to Grave
YO. A N D I. I am.
i'll be your sunshine
if you'll be my silhouette
Andi. 14 year old sophomore, studying at SHSqc. learner. reader. writer. artist. fragile. frail. human.
eccentric. weird. prep. normal. yellow alien. green alien. orange alien.t-rex!
I know Andi is weird. so why bother?
Friday, May 30, 2008
err. I saw an effin reat here in the office. at the back of our house. ewww. and i`m in my allergies mode. the rat was gray. small. and really gross. we need to kill the rat. asap. help. :| Labels: err, rat
just a photograph in a history book
and i believe she had a voice and name
your tagboard here.